Use a picture password to log into your computer

 Windows 8 includes a new feature called Picture password, which allows you to authenticate with the computer using a series of gestures that include circles, straight lines, and taps. Enable this feature if you want a new way to access your computer or have a hard time with passwords.

  •     Open the Windows Charms.
  •     Click Settings and then More PC settings
  •     In the PC settings window click Users and then select Create a picture password
Bonus tip: A four digit pin password can also be created and used to access your computer. 

Taking advantage of search in Window 8

When compared to all previous versions of Windows, Windows 8 has been significantly improved in the search . Search for a file or run a program in Windows 8 Start screen , just start typing what you are trying to find or want to run .

You start typing , the results will start to appear on the left hand side .. Are you searching for a file or program , you want to use as search , click on the app . You "New York " were selected for the discovery and weather app for instance , if you are in New York , New York will be shown in the season .

By default , the search they used and then in alphabetical order by how often organizes apps available . Search your favorite app you want to keep on top of the list , right-click the application and select pin . Application installed , regardless of how often it is used to lock it in place . You Charms is found under Settings in the PC settings through any of Apps can stop and search ( eg finance) do not have an app there .

Bonus tip: The Search is also found through Charms and can also be opened by pressing Windows key + F.