SEO Tools, SEO Forum, SEO Conferences


Much of the craft to SEO is knowing how to use time effectively. SEO is
an extremely time intensive process. These are the tools I use to save
time with SEO. None of these links are affiliate links. I get paid nothing
to recommend these tools to you.

SEO Glossary
If you do not understand what core vocabulary words mean it is hard to extract
meaning from higher level conversations. Due to reader requests I created a free
SEO glossary.

SEO Forums
The ability to gain near real time answers to your SEO questions makes SEO
forums extremely valuable.
A good forum has a good sense of community, but different SEO forums have
different goals. Generally I support the idea that good SEO is generally making
good ideas that would be easy to spread and / or gaining high quality links. The
forums that allow open discussion of and support effective SEO ideas are my
You will learn a bunch of your SEO knowledge from personal experience, but
forums will also help speed along the learning cycle.
Free: Review of and links to most of the major SEO forums (and many
smaller ones too). Most SEO forums are free.

SEO Conferences
If you analyze the search results well enough you can figure out quite a bit of
information. Forums occasionally offer great tips as well.
I can’t recommend enough attending conferences though. Conferences allow you
to meet people and talk to them in person, which helps build trust, and some
people may be willing to explain things in private that they would not talk about in
The two biggest conferences are Search Engine Strategies and WebmasterWorld’s
Pubcon. Both are great. Search Engine Strategies tends to be geared more toward
corporate marketing and Pubcon tends to be geared more toward independent
webmasters. Many of the same big names in the SEO field attend both
If you have the opportunity to attend some of the smaller bar only conferences you
can learn a bunch there too. I love SEO Roadshow, but some of the smaller
gatherings like that are invite only, and you may only get an invite to them after
people know you online or meet you at one of the more mainstream conferences.
Danny Sullivan’s Search Engine Strategies
Brett Tabke’s WebmasterWorld Pubcon (  


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